Healthcare Consulting Services
PO Box 1230
Grantham, NH 03753
ph: 716-550-1106
Patient Safety Tools
Patient Safety Resources
in our
Patient Safety Tip of the Week
What's New in Patient Safety
"Nine Patient Safety Solutions" through the WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety Solutions
VHA National Patient Safety Improvement Handbook
Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert on Tubing Misconnections
Wisconsin State Journal Series Case of Tubing Misconnection
FDA Patient Safety Video on Misconnection of Tubes and Ports
FDA Patient Safety News update on tubing/catheter misconnections
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Advisory on Color-Coded Wristbands
Colorado Foundation for Medical Care Wristband Color Standardization Project Implementation Toolkit
Minnesota Hospital Association Standardized Colored Wristbands for Patients
Dana Farber Patient Safety Organizational Assessment Tool
The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire
ECRI Patient Safety Culture Self-Assessment Questionnaire
The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing at
Australian “Clinical Practice Guidelines For The Management Of Delirium In Older People”
Vanderbilt University’s ICU Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Study Group website
National Guideline Clearinghouse “Delirium: prevention, early recognition, and treatment. In: Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice.”
Yale Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP)
VA National Center for Patient Safety Falls Toolkit
IHI Reducing Harm from Falls Program
Health Care Association of New Jersey Fall Management Guideline
Minnesota Hospital Association SAFE from Falls Toolkit
Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFaNE)
UK NPSA evidence base on the utility (or lack thereof) of heparin flushes
MRSA intervention by Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (article from December 2007 issue of The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety)
Eliminating Hospital Acquired Infections: Is it Possible? Is it Sustainable? Is it Worth it? (Presentation by Richard Shannon, M.D. at NYSDOH 2007 Patient Safety Conference)
NICE guidance on surgical site infections
Hospital Acquired Infections Compendium. In supplement to October issue of Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 2008; 29: 901-994
John Grout’s monograph Mistake-Proofing the Design of Health Care Processes
National Center for Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare
University of Buffalo Patient Safety Research Center
Medication Safety Tools
ISMP List of High-Alert Medications
Massachusetts Coalitions for the Prevention of Errors Ambulatory MedList
Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Errors
Medication Reconciliation Toolkit
IHI Medication Reconciliation Toolkit
Canadian “Safer Healthcare Now! Campaign” Medication Reconciliation Toolkit
WHO Collaborative Centre for Patient Safety Solutions - Solution6 Medication Reconciliation
IMSP Designing Effective Medication Label Warnings
Look-Alike/Sound-Alike Drug List from JCAHO
Look-Alike/Sound-Alike Drug List from ISMP
WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety Safety Solution on Look Alike/Sound-Alike Drugs
MGMA Office Patient Safety Assessment
Kentucky Medical Association Tracking Test Results Within a Physician Practice
Utah C3 Patient Surgery Safety Brochure
Joint Commission Speak Up Campaign Brochures
ACR Guidance Document for Safe MR Practices: 2007
Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert “Preventing accidents and injuries in the MRI suite”
IHI’s initiatives on rapid response teams
NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) has just released its clinical guideline “Acutely ill patients in hospital. Recognition of and response to acute illness in adults in hospital”
VA National Center for Patient Safety RCA Tools
Canadian Patient Safety Institute Root Cause Analysis Framework
NHS National Patient Safety Agency RCA Learning Toolkit
VA National Center for Patient Safety FMEA Tools
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority patient safety advisory supplement “Alarm Interventions During Medical Telemetry Monitoring: A Failure Mode and Effects Analysis”
New York State Surgical and Invasive Procedure Protocol (NYSSIPP)
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority 2007 Patient Safety Advisory on wrong-site surgery
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Preventing Wrong-Site Surgery Toolkit
American Academy of Ophthalmology Avoiding Wrong Site Surgery Bulletin
American Academy of Ophthalmology Minimizing Wrong Intraocular Lens Placement Bulletin
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Patient Safety Resources
Minnesota Hospital Association SAFE SITE Toolkit
WHO Safe Surgery Saves Lives website (includes the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and also an implementation manual and videos on how to use the checklist and how not to use it)
Serious Incident Response Checklist
ECRI publication “The Patient is on Fire! A Surgical Fires Primer”
ECRI poster “Only You Can Prevent Surgical Fires”
ECRI poster: "Airway Files during Surgery"
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Advisory on Airway Fires
AORN Perioperative Fire Safety Tool Kit”
Joint Commission FAQ’s for the National Patient Safety Goal on Surgical Fires
Joint Commission 2003 Sentinel Event Alert on Surgical Fires
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Fire Safety Video
Tracking Test Results Within a Physician Practice
Kentucky Medical Association Tracking Test Results Within a Physician Practice
IHI’s Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events
Trigger Tool for Identifying Possible Adverse Events in Obstetric Care
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority article on workarounds
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Copyright 2012 The Truax Group Healthcare Consulting Patient Safety Solutions Tools Tips & Resources. All rights reserved.
PO Box 1230
Grantham, NH 03753
ph: 716-550-1106