ID serious event |
Incident Reporting System |
Determine if it is a sentinel event |
Risk Manager, Director of QI, Medical Director, Director of Nursing |
Schedule meeting of the Serious Incident Investigation Team/RCA Team |
Risk Manager |
ID all witnesses |
Supervisor of area where event occurred |
Notify patient/family |
Attending physician or medical director |
Notify Department of Health |
State Incident Reporting System designee |
File State Incident Reporting System Event |
State Incident Reporting System designee |
File to other agencies (eg. Joint Commission, Office of Mental Health), if applicable |
Risk Manager |
Secure chart, make working copies |
Head, Medical Records |
Impound equipment |
Biomedical Engineering |
Notify FDA, if necessary |
Risk Manager |
Notify manufacturer, if necessary |
Risk Manager |
Notify Hospital Board of Directors |
Medical Director |
Notify Hospital Attorney |
Risk Manager |
Final State Incident Reporting System report |
State Incident Reporting System designee |
Make sure all dictations complete |
Head, Medical Records |
Support for caregivers involved |
Organization designee or program |